Moscow, Nauka Publishing House. 1976. 591 pp. The print run is 2,850. Price 2 rubles. 92 kopecks. In recent decades, a number of collective and individual monographs, collections of articles and pamphlets have been written on various aspects of the history of the capital of the Soviet State in the post-revolutionary years .1 They also address, among other issues, certain aspects of the work of the Moscow Council, in particular some of its political, economic and cultural activities. At the same time, the problems of the development of the Council itself as a power body, improving its structure, involving workers in public administration, and the organizational role of the Council in the struggle for the development of industry and urban economy have not yet received in-depth coverage, and attempts have not been made to comprehensively summarize the multifaceted organizational activities of the Moscow City Council since the establishment of Soviet power until the Great Patriotic War. This gap is filled by the monograph of the senior researcher of the Institute of History of the USSR of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences N. M. Aleshchenko. The author dwells on a set of problems set by time and successfully solved by the Moscow Council at various stages of building a new society. Based on the analysis of a wide range of different sources (materials from central and local archives, statistical collections, the press, etc.), the book shows all the difficulties of solving the problem of turning an old, bourgeois city into a new, socialist one. It is well known that the conquest of political power by the proletariat creates prerequisites for the socialist transformation of the country. At the same time, the victory of the new over the old takes place in a sharp struggle. Therefore, considering the activities of the Moscow City Council during the triumphal march of Soviet power, the author primarily focuses on the consolidation of the new government ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://libmonster.ru/m/articles/view/N-M-ALESHCHENKO-THE-MOSCOW-SOVIET-IN-1917-1941
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Армения Онлайн
Ереван, Armenia
18.01.2025 (21 days ago)
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