Libmonster ID: KG-1307
Author(s) of the publication: T. V. ILYIN

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, residents of the Moscow region, like the entire Soviet people, actively joined in the defense of the country. Meetings and meetings were held at enterprises, institutions, collective farms and state farms in the region, at which workers swore to fulfill any task of the party, to give all their strength to defeat the enemy. At one of these meetings, workers, engineers and technicians of the V. V. Kuibyshev Kolomna Locomotive Building Plant adopted a resolution: "Each of us, working tirelessly, will hourly strengthen the power of the valiant Red Army in the rear with our honest, disciplined, organized work."1 Collective farmers of the agricultural cartel "Defense "of the Volokolamsk district said:" We firmly believe in the victory of our just cause. But we know that in order to win, we need to triple our strength. And we will do it. We will spare no effort to ensure victory for the Red Army. " 2
The Moscow Regional party organization has launched a great effort to mobilize the forces of the working people to defeat the fascists .3 Hundreds of thousands of residents of the region joined the Red Army in the first months of the war. A huge number of applications with requests to be sent to the front were received by military enlistment offices from volunteers. The regional party organization sent almost 50 thousand communists to the front-more than half of its membership .4 About 107 thousand fighters were given to the Red Army by the regional Komsomol organization 5 . When the front came close to the capital, many residents of the Moscow region, who were in the ranks of the Red Army, fought directly at its walls. Divisions of the Moscow People's Militia and rifle divisions, which included militia members, fighters of fighter and workers ' battalions from Moscow and the region, passed a glorious battle path .6 Great damage was inflicted on the enemy by the Moscow region partisans and underground fighters, who numbered 17 thousand people in their ranks .7
Under the leadership of the regional party organization, the work of industry, transport and agriculture in the Moscow region was rebuilt in a military way. Almost all enterprises were transferred to the production of military products - weapons, ammunition, uniforms. Women, teenagers and the elderly joined the machines to replace the workers who had gone to the front. Despite the martial law, social competition developed in factories and factories, patriotic movements of two - and three-hundred-year-olds, multi-staff workers, part-time workers, front-line and Komsomol youth brigades, etc. emerged. 8 Field workers in the Moscow region sent food to the front and to the capital. Thousands of pioneers and schoolchildren, tens of thousands of workers and employees took part in the 1941 harvest .9
One of the heroic pages in the history of the Moscow region was the construction of defensive structures on the outskirts of the capital, which unfolded in the summer and autumn of 1941. They were built together with Muscovites, residents of Ryazan, Tula, Kaluga and other cities.

1 "Kolomenskiy rabochy", 23. VI. 1941.

2 "Volokolamsk collective farmer", 25. VI. 1941.

3 See "Essays on the History of the Moscow Organization of the CPSU", Moscow, 1966, pp. 562-605.

4 "Moscow City and Moscow regional organizations of the CPSU in figures", Moscow, 1972, pp. 24, 29.

5 Party archive of the Institute of Party History of the MGK and MK CPSU (IPA), f. 634, on. 4, d. 1, ll. 26, 211.

6 See N. M. Aleshchenko, K. I. Bukov, A.D. Kolesnik, and A.M. Sinitsyn. Moskovskoe opolchenie [Moscow Militia], Moscow, 1969; K. I. Bukov. All of us were soldiers. M. 1972; A. D. Kolesnik. Narodnoe opolchenie gorod-geroev [People's Militia of Hero cities], Moscow, 1974.

7 "The Battle for Moscow", Moscow, 1975, pp. 410, 422.

8 "An unprecedented feat", Moscow, 1968, p. 207.

9 See P. P. Andreev, K. I. Bukov. Feat of the Hero City, Moscow, 1965, pp. 36-37; O. A. Matyas. When the enemy threatened Moscow, Moscow, 1966, pp. 26-28.

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capital region. From the very beginning of the war, more than 55,000 construction workers in the Moscow Region and more than 250,000 collective farmers in the Moscow Region10 were mobilized for defensive work . "Pravda reported: "A huge amount of work on the construction of defensive fortifications is carried out by collective farmers in the Moscow region. The Maxim Gorky collective farm (Solnechnogorsk district) sent a group of elderly people to the site, among other collective farmers. The "oldies" work wonderfully. They overtake even young people. One of these"starikov" enthusiasts, Ivan Vasilyevich Lebedev, says: "I have a son in the Red Army. He is defending his homeland at the front, and I am defending it here, near Moscow. We will defend Moscow!" Collective farmer T. Lebedev expressed the mood of those who are building fortifications on the distant approaches to Moscow. " 11
To cover the distant approaches to Moscow in the summer and autumn of 1941, the Rzhev-Vyazma and Mozhaisk lines of defense were built. Then, on the near approaches to the capital, construction of the third line - the Moscow defensive line 12-began . More than half of its builders were residents of the Moscow region13 . They worked, regardless of the weather, from dawn to dawn, often under enemy fire. Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Moscow Regional Council of Workers 'Deputies P. S. Tarasov wrote on the pages of Pravda:" The staff of the Skhodnensky Glass Factory is working amicably and in an organized manner on its site. Every day, as soon as it gets light, hundreds of workers go out to build a defensive line. They remain in their places until complete darkness sets in. The old cadre officer of this factory, Nikolai Ivanovich Baranov, fought with Yudenich near Petrograd in the Civil War. Now he is one of the active builders of the defensive line. 16-year-old Kostya Rodichev, an enthusiast, works on the same site. The whole team is proud of him. Kostya is the best drummer. He works hard, overtaking his team-mates. The Communists lead all their brigades by their own example. " 14
Equipment of defensive structures was carried out to a large extent at the expense of products of enterprises located near Moscow. Anti-tank hedgehogs and steel towers were manufactured in the cities of Kolomna, Khimki, etc. Powerful obstacles stood in the way of the enemy in the Klin direction, near the village of Cherkizovo, Khimki district. There was a continuous line of anti-tank barriers 15 . Defensive structures were also created in the area of Serpukhov, Kolomna, Elektrostal, Solnechnogorsk and other places in the region. Engineering anti-tank and anti-personnel barriers were reinforced by forest debris, the length of which in the Moscow region was 1,528 kilometers. Most of them were booby-trapped 16 .

By November 1941, the construction of fortifications on the approaches to Moscow was mostly completed. But the defensive work did not stop there. They were also conducted later. The newspaper Moskovsky Bolshevik, focusing on the labor exploits of the builders of fortifications, wrote:: "Tens of thousands of metalworkers, weavers, shoemakers, accountants, engineers, technicians, teachers took to the fields and roads of the Moscow region to erect an insurmountable barrier to the hated enemy. People who first took up the pick and shovel, regardless of the enormous difficulties, enthusiastically dug anti-tank ditches, built dugouts and bunkers, made rubble, etc... Over-fulfillment of norms on the construction of fortifications was massive. A gray-haired professor, a venerable engineer, a housewife, an economist, a doctor, a teacher, a worker, a salesman - all those who went out to fight on these memorable days lived with one thought - not to miss the enemy, to drown the Hitlerite thugs in their black blood. In a short period of time, the workers of Moscow and the region have created a reliable defensive belt around their beloved city. " 17
In total, in the Moscow defense zone, the population dug 676 km of anti-tank ditches, 445 km of escarpments and counterscarps, installed 380 km of ditches, 1.3 thousand km of wire fences, 32 thousand anti-tank hedgehogs, built more than 30 thousand firing points, pillboxes and bunkers, 16.5

10 "We persevered and won". Documents and materials, Moscow, 1966, p. 295; O. A. Matyas. Op. ed., p. 32.

11 Pravda, 28. XI. 1941.

12 "An unprecedented feat", pp. 176, 182.

13 " Moscow to the front. 1941 -1945". Collection of documents and materials, Moscow, 1966, p. 52.

14 "Pravda", 21. X. 1941.

15 " Moscow to the front. 1941-1945", p. 55.

16 MPA, f. 157, op. 2, d. 185, l. 15.

17 "Moscow Bolshevik", 5. III. 1942.

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thousands of trenches for rifle squads and many other defensive structures 18 . All this significantly strengthened the defense of Moscow, helped to stop the enemy at its walls. In the spring and summer of 1942, the workers of the capital and the Moscow region continued to improve and build defensive lines. These jobs employed 37,000 people, mostly from the areas liberated from the Nazi invaders .19
The workers of the region helped the front with money. They voluntarily contributed valuables, government loan bonds, agricultural products to the defense fund, and gave their labor savings to build tanks and airplanes. In the first three and a half months of the war alone, the Moscow Regional Office of the State Bank received 34 million rubles from the workers of the Moscow region20 . Workers of the Solnechnogorsk plant named after Lepse decided to deduct a one-day salary monthly to the national Defense Fund until the end of the war 21 . Each collective farmer of the Yakimovskaya agricultural cartel of the Noginsky district transferred three working days a month to the defense fund 22 . Similar decisions were made by collectives of other enterprises and collective farms in the region.

Participants of the anti-fascist youth rally held in October 1941 in Orekhovo-Zuyevo and the district adopted a resolution on organizing fundraising for the construction of the Orekhovsky Komsomolets tank. This initiative has found a warm response among the youth of the city's enterprises, collective farms and schools. Young workers of the Baryshnikov plant decided to deduct their one-day earnings for the construction of the tank. Their example was followed by Komsomol members and young people of the Orekhovsky cotton mill, the Karbolit plant, the State Bank, the weaving factory No. 3 and other enterprises and institutions. Funds for the construction of the tank were also collected by young collective farmers and school students of Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district 23 . Workers of the agricultural cartel "Forward to Socialism" of the Bronnitsky district in November 1941, after fulfilling the plan of grain deliveries and naturopay, handed over to the Red Army 100 pounds of grain and, in addition, from each collective farm yard - a pig, a bull or a lamb, 3 poultry, 40 liters of milk from each cow in personal use, and the cost of 5 working days for each able-bodied collective farmer. In their appeal to the collective farmers of the district, they wrote:: "We will create a relief fund for our valiant Red Army. We will give the country and the front bread, meat and other products as much as necessary. Follow our example! Remember, our increased assistance to the front brings the hour of victory over the vile, frenzied enemy - German fascism-closer. " 24
In the summer of 1941, the traditions of communist subbotniks were revived in Moscow and the Moscow region. On August 17, hundreds of thousands of young men and women from the capital and the Moscow region participated in the All - Union Komsomol Youth Sunday. On this day, their assistance to the front amounted to more than 1 million rubles and almost 113 thousand workdays . 25 On November 16, 1941, a new Sunday was held in Moscow and the region. It was attended by 150 thousand people. The 2 million rubles earned that day went to the production of tanks 26 . Workers of the Moscow railway junction made armored trains in the autumn of 1941. On the initiative of the staff of the Lyublino locomotive depot, they also built them at their own expense during off-hours 27 . In total, 24 armored trains were produced and repaired by railway workers .28
The workers of the Moscow region received many letters of thanks from the front for the military equipment built at their expense. The flight technical staff of one of the aviation units wrote:: "We warmly thank the workers of the Khimki district for the combat aircraft built with their labor savings. Having received this formidable weapon, the personnel swore an oath to you, dear comrades, to mercilessly smash and destroy the enemy.

18 "Withstood and won", p. 296; K. I. Bukov. Victory near Moscow, Moscow, 1962, p. 89.

19 "The Battle for Moscow", p. 226.

20 "Evening Moscow", 7. X. 1941.

21 MPA, f. 146, op. 3, d. 1, l. 274.

22 O. A. Matya ya. s. Edict op., p. 85.

23 "Withstood and won", p. 304.

24 Ibid., p. 307.

25 "Moscow Bolshevik", 29. VIII. 1941.

26 "People of fire and metal", Moscow, 1969, p. 211.

27 E. G. Astafieva. Railway workers of the Moscow junction in the struggle for the capital in the autumn of 1941. "Scientific Notes" of the N. K. Krupskaya Moscow Pedagogical Institute Vol. 183, issue 2, 1967, p. 79.

28 " History of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. 1941-1945". Vol. 2. Moscow, 1961, p. 276.

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destroy the fascist evil spirits in the air and on the ground. We will unleash the full force of fire on the heads of Hitler's scoundrels!"29 . During the Great Patriotic War, the workers of the Moscow region contributed 220 million rubles for the construction of tanks and aircraft, and in total, the national Defense Fund received 489 million rubles from the personal funds of the population of the Moscow region30 .

In the summer and autumn of 1941, residents of the region began to collect warm clothes for the soldiers of the Red Army: sheepskin coats, sheepskins, felt boots, sweatshirts, cotton trousers, jackets, warm underwear, earflaps, mittens, socks, etc. In addition, women from the Moscow region prepared warm clothes for Soviet soldiers. In total, during the war years, workers, employees and collective farmers of the Moscow region sent 1,200 thousand different warm clothes to the Active Army, including 50 thousand pairs of felt boots and 21 thousand fur coats .31
From the first months of the war, the collection of gifts for front-line soldiers began in the Moscow region. By mid-September 1941, the workers of Moscow and the Moscow region had already sent 32 wagons of gifts and 105,000 parcels to the front .32 The workers of the region exercised patronage over 40 formations of the Red Army. In May 1942, the Moscow Regional Committee of the Russian Red Cross Society received a letter saying: "Dear friends! On behalf of the soldiers, commanders and political workers of the 28th Tank Brigade, I would like to thank you very much for the May Day gifts we received on the front line... They inspire us to new feats, infuse us with even more energy and strength. " 33 Delegations of workers and collective farmers from the Moscow region went to the front to present gifts. It made a big difference. Lieutenant-General N. A. Antipenko, recalling the battle of Moscow, writes: "During the days of the fighting, the great moral and material support for the soldiers was the visit of workers and collective farm delegations to the front, bringing gifts to the soldiers. These delegations always sought to personally present gifts to the frontline fighters, risking their lives, they often made their way to positions under rifle and machine-gun fire... Sokolov, chairman of the executive committee of the Serpukhov City Council, and Gusev, secretary of the city party Committee, following the front line, were forced to crawl almost a whole kilometer "in a plastic way" to the front trenches."34
Sanatoriums, rest homes, some hospitals and other institutions near Moscow were placed in hospitals for the treatment of wounded front-line soldiers. By October 15, 1941, 134 hospitals with 43,700 beds were operating in the region, and a total of 237 hospitals were stationed in the region during the war.35 The workers took care of the wounded soldiers and commanders on a daily basis. Collectives of enterprises and institutions of the Moscow region took patronage over hospitals, supplied them with equipment, inventory, fuel, and conducted cultural and educational work in them. Collective and state farms supplied hospitals with milk, vegetables, potatoes, and other agricultural products. Thousands of women and girls from the Moscow region unloaded trains with the wounded and were on duty in hospitals every day. Organizations of the Red Cross Society of cities and districts of the region have done a lot of work. They trained junior and secondary medical personnel for the front and hospitals, mass sanitary formations and medical services of the MPVO, provided assistance to the wounded and the population affected by military operations, carried out preventive measures to prevent epidemics and sanitary education among the population of the Moscow region. In addition, already in the first months of the war, military health education for adults and high school students was widely deployed in all cities and districts of the region. Special attention was paid to providing first aid for injuries and preventing infectious diseases. In total, during the Great Patriotic War, the Moscow Regional Organization of the Red Cross Society trained 661 thousand GSO badges, 326 thousand BGSO badges, about 18 thousand nurses, sanitary vigilantes and orderlies 36 . All the hospitals that were formed on the territory of the Moscow region, two military sanitary trains and an ambulance steamer.-

29 "Znamya Oktyabrya" (Khimki), 23. IV. 1943.

30 "The Battle for Moscow", p. 456.

31 Ibid.

32 "Moscow Bolshevik", 13. IX. 1941.

33 State Archive of the Moscow Region (GAMO), f. 7191, op. 1, 115, l. 6.

34 "The failure of the Hitler offensive on Moscow", Moscow, 1966, p. 330.

35 "An unprecedented feat", p. 220.

36 GAMO, f. 7191, op. 1, d. 138, l. 7; d. 189, l. 7.

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li is fully staffed with nurses and paramedics of the regional organization of the Red Cross society 37 .

Many women and girls of the Moscow region expressed a desire to go to the front to be directly on the battlefield. For example, 30 graduates of the Library Institute applied to the regional committee of the Red Cross with a request to train them as nurses and send them to the front. The girls ' request was granted. All students of the Zagorsk district nursing courses submitted an application to the Komsomol committee to send them to the front after training. In Mytischinsky district, girls came to the final tests of nursing courses with duffel bags and, after passing the exams, immediately went to the front 38 . Only in 1941-1942 7 thousand women of the Moscow region who received the ranks of nurses and sandruzhinnits voluntarily went to the front 39 . In all districts of the region, in the summer and autumn of 1941, sanitary squads were formed to provide first aid to the victims. More than 6 thousand sanitary posts were set up in factories, schools and collective farms .40 Sandrugins provided first aid to wounded soldiers and residents affected by enemy bombardment and shelling, organized heating points along the highways along which troops moved, unloaded ambulance trains with wounded soldiers, delivered the wounded to hospitals, and took care of evacuated children. In the Klin district, a unit of sandruzhinnits led by Maria Glukhova carried out 438 wounded soldiers and commanders from a train that was subjected to enemy bombardment. When fighting was taking place on the outskirts of the city, Sandruzhinniki of the Zvenigorod district organized an evacuation center, searched for the wounded in the forest, in fields, in ravines, provided them with assistance, and then sent them to the rear .41 After the end of the work, despite their fatigue, the female workers and nurses of the Red Cross society went to hospitals and were on duty at night at the beds of the seriously wounded.

The participation of the workers of the Moscow region in the creation of defensive lines, in raising funds for weapons, warm clothes and gifts for the Red Army, their help in equipping hospitals, in caring for wounded soldiers helped the Red Army defend Moscow, defeat the enemy at its walls. Rodina highly appreciated the military and labor exploits of residents of the Moscow region. For the courage and heroism shown by the workers of the Moscow region in defeating the Nazi invaders near Moscow, and for the success achieved in the development of the national economy, the Moscow Region was awarded the Order of Lenin by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 5, 1966 .42
37 Ibid., d. 138, ll. 8-11.

38 Ibid., l. 3.

39 Ibid., d. 139, l. 19.

40 Ibid., d. 138, ll. 11, 12.

41 Ibid., ll. 12, 13.

42 Pravda 6. XII. 1966.

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