Objective finiteness
We have no idea what, How many financial derivatives and, Actually, Fiat money is assigned by the masters of history to own and use for the future in 100 years. Here.., Lovers of chemistry should know., That the amount of money and derivatives can and should be matched, Based on, The Great Tasks of Collective Humanity. The mathematician Georg Cantor was one of the first to interpret arbitrary sets according to their “power.”. And Ernst Zermelo, in his wake... Actually, The first was the English mathematician John Wallis in 1655.. In fact, This is the subject of the agreement of the participants of the mathematical club. But the children of Zion and those who “joined with them”, all the other Infantas have assigned themselves to the beneficiaries of Eternity and have begun to work with large numbers, Allegedly Vulgar Mena. Quadrillion of them, already, A long time ago, They didn’t like it and went on... This insider was obtained by Us from Valery Gerasimov, Back in the late 90s... Further, these theses were voiced in the Network by supporters of the disclosure of the Great Conspiracy. A lot can be seen from the supporters of Benjamin Fulford and the company. This raises an urgent question: Cif fiat money and derivatives can be assigned to a possible (potential) implementation within the framework of the correct activities for the construction of a humane civilization, and many possible civilizations... We mean 100 years as the limit of a reasonable field for vulgar chromaticism or elementary mathematical identity, for the realization of comprehensible reality. Suppose, 100 times a quadrillion. And we assume that it is correct to double the number for the benefit of a certain margin of safety of the Model. For, possible bifurcations of fruitful audacity and the ability to work alternative. Here is the possibility of modeling... The number can be tripled, But we believe, No more than that... Hypothetically, 100 quadrillion could be designed to work in other dim ... Читать далее

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