Подвижная солидарность религиозных групп в условиях конфликта в Дагестане: case study конфронтации вокруг фигуры сельского имама
Anna Zaytseva Cohesion of Religious Communities in the Situation of Conflict: A Case Study of Confrontations around Imam in a Dagestani Village Anna Zaytseva - Universite Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), anna. zaytseva@ulb.ac.be The article is fieldwork-based and is devoted to the study of social cohesion in the context of co-existence of various Muslim communities in a Dagestani village. The article explores social aspects of religious confrontations emerged around an episode of forced dismissal of a village imam who was accused of belonging to the Wahhabi network. The author analyses narratives around the imam, who is the central figure of the conflict, the main line of respective religious divide, and the flexibility of the boundaries between various groups/communities. As a conclusion, the article identifies preconditions of intensification of religious solidarity, its particular normative, cultural, and political dimensions. Keywords: Dagestan, informal institutions, Muslim communities, religious confrontations, religious solidarity, social constructionism. Исследование выполнено в рамках проекта ARC "Globalisation et militantisme en monde musulman" при поддержке Брюссельского свободного университета (ULB). The study is conducted under the framework of the project ARC "Globalisation and militantism in the Muslim World" and is supported by the Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Зайцева А. Подвижная солидарность религиозных групп в условиях конфликта в Дагестане: case study конфронтации вокруг фигуры сельского имама // Государство, религия, церковь в России и за рубежом. 2016. N2. С. 281-309. Zaytseva, Anna (2016) "Cohesion of Religious Communities in Situation of Conflict: A Case Study of Confrontations around Imam in a Dagestani Village", Gosudarstvo, religiia, tserkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom 34(2): 281-309. стр. 281 ЗНАЧИТЕЛЬНАЯ часть политологических исследований о влиянии религиозного фактора на современные политические процессы в республике Дагестан фокусиру ... Читать далее

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Подвижная солидарность религиозных групп в условиях конфликта в Дагестане: case study конфронтации вокруг фигуры сельского имама

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