Акадак и Лдзаа-ных: к истории гибридных культов в Абхазии
Igor Kuznetsov, Rita Kuznetsova Akadak and Ldzaa-nykh: Towards a History of Hybrid Cults in Abkhazia Igor Kuznetsov - Kuban State University (Krasnodar, Russia). igorkuznet@gmail.com Rita Kuznetsova - Kuban State University (Krasnodar, Russia). ritakuznetsova2015@yahoo.com Several historical reports, along with our own fieldwork data, cover a long period from the early 17th century until the present time, helping to reconstruct how the sacred site Ldzaa-nykh, which had been moving between and around Pitsunda Orthodox temple and Lidzava village, gradually took its present location; how families of priests succeeded each other, evolving into a kind of nativist leaders; and how a cult itself transformed into what it is now. Akadak as Lidzava annual praying ritual has been one of the last festivities in the whole Abkhazia, which continued to integrate not a few families but all the villagers. For centuries the lands of Pitsunda peninsula attracted new flows of immigrants, the protection of which was provided by the temple, and later the rural shrine spun off from it. The irony of history is that the melting pot that turned hundreds of strangers into "Abkhazians", was a hybrid, non-indigenous cult. Akadak praying more and more resembles a ceremony to integrate local community, helping to bring the current project of Abkhaz nationalism to life. Keywords: Western Caucasus, hybridity, nativism, ethnography, Abkhazia, Georgia, Pitsunda temple, Orthodox Christianity, neo-paganism. На заключительной стадии исследование выполнялось на средства гранта фонда Volkswagen Stiftung: программа Between Europe and the Orient - A Focus on Research and Higher Education in/on Central Asia and the Caucasus, проект N86427 Transformation of Sacred Spaces, Pilgrimages and Conceptions of Hybridity in the Post-Soviet Caucasus. Кузнецов И., Кузнецова Р. Акадак и Лдзаа-ных: к истории гибридных культов в Абхазии // Государство, религия, церковь в России и за рубежом. 2016. N2. С. 38-66. Kuznetsov, ... Читать далее

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Акадак и Лдзаа-ных: к истории гибридных культов в Абхазии

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